Can No Sleep Cause Constant Bad Moods?


Do you ever have those days when someone just snaps at you? I mean just snaps. It could be a friend, a family member, or even a coworker.  It may be that they’re just having a bad day or they’re just simply….mean. Who knows? I mean we’re all human, no one is perfect; we’re all entitled to have our bad days. However, what about those who are constantly in a bad mood? You may sit there and wonder, “Maybe something bad happened recently or in the past?”  It could be anything; I know that when my wisdom teeth came in I was in the worst mood ever. I didn’t want to be bothered and if anyone said anything to me I’d snap. The crazy thing is…..nobody had any idea why I was acting this way.

Like I said it could be anything, but have you ever wondered if some people are always in a bad mood because they’re simply not sleeping well? Easily agitated, headaches, depression, etc… these are some common symptoms caused by sleep deprivation.



Common effects of sleep deprivation are:

  • Feeling irritable and in a bad mood is usually the first sign of sleep deprivation
  • Sluggishness, feeling groggy and having difficulty concentrating
  • Slowed physical responses and reflexes, driving in this condition can be as dangerous as driving while drunk
  • Lessened inhibitory response, people who are sleep deprived are more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors


Do any of these ring a bell? Have you seen this in people you know or maybe even in yourself? Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone; however there are those out there who this in fact does apply. Who knows? For those who are always in a bad mood, maybe it’s from the constant agitation and irritation caused from a lack of sleep.


If you feel that this may apply to you or a loved one, speak with your physician or a sleep specialist. There may be an answer to the questions you have never received answers to and there may be answers to the questions you may not have thought to ask. There are solutions if you’re suffering from a sleep related disorder.



Want to learn more about sleep deprivation and bad moods?

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